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import {ShareIcon} from '@/components/icons/ShareIcon'
import {SparklesIcon} from '@/components/icons/SparklesIcon'
import {SimpleLayout} from '@/components/layouts/SimpleLayout'
import {Card} from '@/components/ui/Card'
import {getPinnedRepos} from '@/lib/github'
import {numberFormat} from '@/lib/numberFormat'
import {metadata as _metadata} from '@/lib/generateMetadata'
import React from 'react'
const meta = {
title: 'Projects',
heading: 'Things I\'ve made and projects I\'ve worked on.',
description: 'Here\'s a selection of academic and personal projects that I have worked on. Many of them are open-source, so if you see something that piques your interest, check out the code and contribute if you have ideas for how it can be improved.',
type: 'website',
alternates: {
canonical: '/projects'
export let metadata: {
[p: string]: string | Object
heading: string
description: string
title: string
type: string
openGraph: {
images: string | Object
description: string
title: string
type: string
metadata = _metadata({...meta, heading: meta.heading})
export const revalidate = 0
export default async function Projects() {
const pinnedRepos = (await getPinnedRepos()).sort((a, b) => b.stargazerCount - a.stargazerCount)
return (
gradient="bg-gradient-to-r from-sky-400 to-blue-500">
className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-12 gap-y-16 sm:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3"
{pinnedRepos.map((repo) => (
<Card as="li" key={repo.name}>
<h2 className="text-base font-semibold transition group-hover:text-indigo-500 text-zinc-800 dark:text-zinc-100">
<Card.Link href={repo.url}>{repo.name}</Card.Link>
className="z-10 flex space-x-16 sm:space-x-0 sm:justify-between mt-8 items-center w-full group text-sm text-zinc-500 dark:text-zinc-400">
className="flex items-center">
className="mr-2 w-4 h-4 rounded-full order-first"
style={{backgroundColor: repo.primaryLanguage.color}}/>
<div className="flex space-x-6">
<p className="flex items-center">
<SparklesIcon className="order-first mr-2 w-5 h-5 fill-zinc-400 dark:fill-zinc-500"/>
<p className="flex items-center">
className="order-first mr-2 w-5 h-5 fill-zinc-400 dark:fill-zinc-500 -rotate-90"/>